10 On-Screen WCW Couples You’ve Totally Forgotten

3. Syren & Billy Kidman

david flair torrie wilson
WWE Network

Don't worry though, because Bill had a plan himself.

When Kidman lost his girl to Shane Douglas, he decided that a fella' had to take care of himself. So, he began flirting with everyone in sight. That's no joke - Billy must've tried to slip his phone number to every single female behind the curtain, but put most of his energy into The Nitro Girls.

It was Syren who answered the call first. She was the one WCW programmed to fall for Kidman's charming good looks, and the pair became a passing item for a month or two on TV. Syren, who most wrestling fans likely don't remember whatsoever, also had a brief romance with Natural Born Thriller member Reno too.

Cuddling up to Billy was her biggest break though. Perhaps WCW were trying to elevate Syren onto the same level as Torrie Wilson; that'd make sense, because Torrie had become a standalone star who didn't need Kidman after a while.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.