10 Opponents For Christian's One More Match

2. Bully Ray

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YevHxdcCOK4 As of this writing, it€™s unclear whether Bully Ray, known to WWE fans as Bubba Ray Dudley, is returning to TNA, returning to WWE, or neither. In WWE or TNA, however, a match between him and Christian at the end of Christian€™s career would be one for the books. Despite their well-documented history in the WWE tag team division of the early 2000s, Christian and Bully Ray haven€™t faced off in any capacity since 2008 in TNA, when Christian was preparing to return to WWE and €œBrother Ray€ was importing the same old Dudley Boyz/Team 3D act, alongside Brother Devon, to his new promotion. Since then, the creation of the Bully Ray character has resulted in his ascension to the top of TNA, and a wrestler once known as a perennial tag team title contender has achieved a level of singles success that few people ever thought possible. Christian has wrestled Bubba Ray and Brother Ray, but never Bully Ray, and the difference is astronomical. The match would be good and the promos would be great, but Bully Ray€™s transformation is what would make the angle. Of the six men who competed in those first two Tables, Ladders and Chairs matches in 2000 and 2001, only Edge can claim to have transitioned more seamlessly and more successfully into main event singles competition than Bully Ray, and Edge is retired. It€™s difficult to imagine a more poignant, reality-entrenched story than the one that could be told if Christian were to wrestle his last match against a fellow tag team wrestler from his own era who has, in almost every sense, surpassed him.

Miles Schneiderman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.