10 Opponents For Christian's One More Match

3. Randy Orton

In 2011, Christian battled Randy Orton in a feud that saw the former win his second World Heavyweight Championship (albeit by disqualification). Christian and Orton worked extremely well together, particularly within the framework of a storyline in which Randy Orton€™s inability to control his psychotic rage went up against Christian€™s ability to deliberately enrage him. Their match at Money in the Bank 2011, in which Christian won the title, was wrestling gold, an incredible match set in a creative and unpredictable story. Unfortunately, neither match nor story is as remembered as it should be, given that both were upstaged later that same night when CM Punk defeated John Cena and walked out with the WWE Championship. Nonetheless, Christian and Orton have proven themselves capable of having a five-star match, their history would give them something to build on, and Orton has the power to command a platform nearly as impressive as Cena€™s. Where Orton has the advantage over Cena as Christian€™s final opponent is in the versatility of his character. There€™s really only one satisfying way to tell the Christian vs. Cena retirement match story. With Christian vs. Orton, the feud could go in just about any direction imaginable, and these two competitors are talented enough to make an epic contest out of all of them.

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