10 Opponents For Christian's One More Match

6. Rhino

Many of the greatest wrestling matches have been fought between real-life friends, and in the absence of Edge, Rhino is reputedly Christian€™s closest friend in the wrestling industry. Their on-screen relationship goes back to Rhino€™s WWE debut in 2001, when he joined up with Edge and Christian as their answer to Spike Dudley and Lita (respectively the €œthird members€ of the Dudleys and the Hardys) and helped them win the tag team championship in TLC II at Wrestlemania X-7. Years later, Rhino enjoyed tremendous success in TNA, and when Christian arrived, the two friends engaged in a feud for the ages, with the most notable match being their €œ8 Mile Street Fight€ at Bound for Glory 2006. With their amazing in-ring chemistry, definable history and the potential for an incursion of real emotion, a retirement match between Christian and Rhino in TNA, ROH or any other promotion could rise to profound heights.

Miles Schneiderman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.