10 Opponents For Christian's One More Match

4. John Cena

In terms of fanfare, card placement and general hype, few things would make Christian€™s final match more meaningful than pitting him against John Cena. Cena and Christian have had encounters in WWE before, notably Christian€™s unsuccessful attempt to take Cena€™s WWE Championship and, even more notably (for some), their backstage rap battle at the Royal Rumble in 2005 (€œI€™m Captain Charisma, read €˜em and weeps; I€™m gonna throw you out for all my peeps!€). While Cena and Christian were never given a real one-on-one feud, it€™s easy to imagine the appeal of such a confrontation in 2015 and beyond. The storytelling both inside and outside the ring would almost certainly be phenomenal, and it would be enhanced by the retirement angle combined with the undeniably compelling development of Cena€™s character over the last decade. It€™s true that on anything resembling a big stage, the inevitable Cena victory would likely result in widespread fan outrage, but the right story in the right context could make Cena vs. Christian the next Michaels vs. Flair.

Miles Schneiderman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.