10 Most Outrageous TNA Gimmicks Of All Time

2. Barbed Wire Massacre

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDvnsukyHjs The first ever "Barbed Wire Massacre" pitted Abyss against Sabu in a match in which the ring ropes were removed only to be replaced with barbed wire where the only way to win was by pin fall or submission. The use of barbed wired started with Sabu being thrown off of Abyss as he kicked out of a pin attempt and landing face and arms first on the barbed wire. This lead into Sabu running at Abyss, being lifted up and dropped face-first onto the barbed wire ropes catching him across his throat and chest to the point he has to rip his arm from the wire. (It was at this point that the match actually began to look more like the name implied in a massacre than a wrestling match.) This provoked Sabu into using a sharp spike looking weapon, which he had hidden, to stab Abyss in the arm repeatedly. With Abyss down Sabu sets up a chair (he brought with him to the ring) and goes to do his iconic Triple Jump Leg Drop on Abyss who moves at the last second and causes Sabu to get his legs caught up in the barbed wire that proceeded to rip at his trunks and thigh. A barbed wire covered board was pushed into the ring by Sabu later on, which Abyss used to lift up and drop Sabu on. Then, after introducing ANOTHER barbed wire Sabu caused Abyss to run into the one and he then pushed Abyss onto the other one placed barbed wire up and covered him to finally win the massacre.
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