10 Most Outrageous TNA Gimmicks Of All Time

3. Elevation X

This match is one of the most dangerous matches to ever take place in TNA, with a large, 20-foot tall scaffold, in the shape of an "X", over the ring all it takes is one wrong move for a wrestler to be sent crashing down to the ropes, turnbuckle, ring or even all the way to the outside. And since the match can only have a winner once one participant throws his opponent off the structure and to the ring below it's easy to see why there have only ever been two in TNA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MS8Taksw9M AJ Styles who participated in the first Elevation X even said about the structure "It's very unstable, and you're very limited up there" and "There's definitely some potential to do some crazy stuff, but there's a lot of potential to get seriously injured, I think the Elevation X is the highest in the air I've ever been. I think that's what is so frightening about it. when the face of your company is saying that its probably time to rethink the match.
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