This is the most unique and iconic match in TNA history. It showed off the promises of what TNA could be. As a company this was one of their bigger draws that bucked the trend of conformity and helped them in standing out, along with the six sided ring of course (even though this match was around before they even switched to the six sides and it wasn't until the 4th Ultimate X that this match finally took place in the hexagon.). This match stood out, with its crazy gimmick of an 'X' formed over the ring by two separate cables from the middle of which either the X Division Title or a giant red 'X' would hang waiting to be captured. The only problem being that the 'X' liked to prematurely evacuate which led to numerous restarts, or in Petey Williams' case they even gave him an unscripted win, when during the 8th Ultimate X match the 'X' came loose and fell into his waiting arms. But despite the downfalls this match at the same time allowed TNA to showcase their best talent (and in some cases the best talent in all of wrestling at that point) in a unique manner that helped TNA stand out as a company and also made more eyes wander to their product.