10 Most Outrageous TNA Gimmicks Of All Time

4. Steel Asylum

Originally under the title of "TerrorDome" during its inaugural run at Sacrifice in 2008, the Steel Asylum Match is considered one of the most chaotic and difficult matches in TNA history with some participants in the match having considered this match "impossible" to win (Homicide) as the above video demonstrates why. The orange red structure has a particularly small opening at the top with bars that gradually become closer and closer together. After all of the participants of the match have entered, wrestlers proceed to battle with each other until one seizes the opportunity to make a break for it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBKUkYYOhE4 That wrestler will then climb the structure in an attempt to get through the hole in the top. With the wrestlers who's successful being the winner of the match.
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