10 Outrageous WWE Experiments That Failed

8. The Red Rooster Literally Acts Like One

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Speaking of colossal dorks, would anyone have admitted to showing support for Terry Taylor as The Red Rooster? 

A fine in-ring performer, Taylor surely deserved better than the chance to pretend he was a farmyard animal in front of the massive WWF audience in the late-1980's. The gimmick was severely flawed from the start.

Even with Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan as his manager, there was something lacking about the man's name to begin with. Monikers like The British Bulldogs and Jake 'The Snake' Roberts were similarly animal-based, but they sounded menacing. What was foreboding about a heel rooster? It was all very strange.

Later, Taylor ditched Heenan as his manager and feuded against him. For the purpose of his babyface run, he combed his hair to resemble a literal rooster and even strutted around like the animal. 

Better performers than Terry Taylor would have struggled with such nonsense, and fans just couldn't take him seriously whatsoever. 

Who can blame them? The Red Rooster was a preposterous concept from the word go.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.