10 People In Wrestling That Still Hold A Grudge Against CM Punk

9. Hulk Hogan

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Instagram, @hulkhogan

Punk doesn’t hold back with his feelings and emotions about certain individuals, exemplified by his thoughts on Hulk Hogan.

In 2015, after Punk’s hockey team Chicago Blackhawks lost in the Stanley Cup Final, Hogan tweeted: ‘Like I said the Blackhawks are in a whole lot of trouble, they should take their puck "punk" and go home, CM can show them the way brother HH’.

Punk then came back with the savage reply: ‘You mispronounced the team captain's name and didn't even know the coach's name. You're a hack. Shut the f*ck up or I'll wreck you @HulkHogan’

This reportedly annoyed The Hulkster. On Steve Austin’s podcast Hogan detailed why Punk might have some distaste for him:

"I walked into the dressing room for the Raw 15th Anniversary and there was a guy there named CM Punk, I don’t know who he is… I heard I had heat because I didn’t say ‘Hi’ to him. I only remember flying from California with RVD for the show and my phone is going off because my home life is falling apart, I’m walking through the dressing room and all I can think about is getting home to fix my home life."

Punk doubled down on his comments last year when Hulk Hogan’s name came up in an interview: “I was never a Hogan guy, I’ve met him and like him even less now. F*ck him.”

It’s too bad Backstage was cancelled recently before they had Hulk on the show with Punk: that would have made for some outstanding television.


Rex Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.