10 People In Wrestling That Still Hold A Grudge Against CM Punk

8. Vince McMahon

Cm Punk Vince Mcmahon

Punk has used Backstage to call out WWE for some of their creative output as well as questionable booking decisions. You wonder why WWE ever allowed Punk to be a panellist for the show when they knew he wouldn’t tow the company line and he’d give his honest opinions Vince McMahon reportedly reluctantly agreed to only allow Punk to be a part of it on the request of Fox officials who held a lot of enthusiasm for him.

Punk’s honesty and downright burial of WWE at times has made an in-ring comeback less and less likely, with it being claimed the Chairman is now more unwilling to work with Punk in any capacity in the future, even in the midst of a pandemic when WWE’s roster is thin and could do with a boost. It was reported Vince said Punk was “not to be trusted and has serious issues”, and that he’s the one superstar he can’t do business with.

The relationship between Vince and Punk has always been complex, even before he quit the day after the Royal Rumble in 2014. In his Art of Wrestling podcast appearance, Punk noted how Vince was shedding tears when he left the company.

Punk was never frightened of Vince like most talent are. Even in his legendary improvised Pipe Bomb promo, before his mic was cut off, Punk was going to tell a "personal story" related to bullying with Vince McMahon.


Rex Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.