10 Perfect WWE Matches For A Returning Roman Reigns

9. Daniel Bryan

When Roman Reigns was sidelined, it was unfortunate for WWE who already missing one of their biggest stars. Daniel Bryan has been on the shelf indefinitely after going in for surgery, and it seems every update is just more bad news about more surgeries he€™s going to need in the future, and his projected date of return seems to keep slipping further away. Should he make it back soon, he may just be the perfect opponent for Reigns. Roman is obviously on the fast-track for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, and Daniel Bryan never lost the title. They€™re on a collision course without even knowing it, and pitting these two fan-favourites against each other could prove incredibly popular with wrestling fans. While there is some crossover between their fans, Roman Reigns seems to be more popular with the €œtypical€ WWE Universe members, the same people who chant €œLet€™s Go Cena!€ while Daniel Bryan€™s popularity is more rooted in the wrestling fan who enjoy his technical skill and are aware of his history. They effectively bring two audiences with them, which could mean big bucks for WWE. As for Reigns, it could be incredibly beneficial for him. He€™s recieved a lot of criticism since going solo as a singles superstar for a limited moveset, and an inability to carry a main-event length match. When he was in The Shield, he could be the punctuation to Ambrose and Rollins, but not anymore. By pitting him against someone who is arguably The Best in the World, he could learn a thing or two about the aspects of wrestling he may be lacking, making him an even more valuable asset for WWE.

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