10 Pivotal NWO Moments On WWE Network's WCW Monday Nitros

3. Kevin Nash's Arrival (June 10th, 1996)

Kevin Nash WCW Arrival One could argue that it wasn't as big as his fellow "Outsider" showing up on Nitro (more on that later), but when Kevin Nash showed up on Nitro on June 10th, 1996, wrestling fans knew something major was taking place. While Razor Ramon was one of the best midcard workers of the 1990's for the WWF, Scott Hall was still viewed as a second-tier name. Fans were still incredibly intrigued over his appearance on Nitro, but Kevin Nash was something else entirely. As Diesel, Kevin Nash had won the WWF Title. Fans saw him as a big deal, and rightfully so. The storyline was hinting at a "war", and fans immediately began to think Hall and Nash were sent as mercenaries from the WWF to infiltrate WCW somehow, giving us the ultimate battle between the two companies. It was something never before attempted, and in a time when internet news sites and dirt sheets weren't readily available to most wrestling fans, nobody really knew what to expect. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rzktes4Tfwc There were so many questions coming out of this event. With Hall and Nash showing up in WCW, some fans wondered who the next WWF name to show up would be. What if Shawn Michaels showed up on Nitro? What if it was Bret Hart? The Undertaker? It was a wild time to be a fan, and to be tuning in to wrestling every single Monday night.

Columnist/Podcaster/Director at LordsOfPain.net for nearly seven years, with nearly 2000 total columns written. Interviewed and/or involved in interviewing the likes of Tyler Black/Seth Rollins (twice), Diamond Dallas Page, Jimmy Jacobs, Christopher Daniels, Uhaa Nation and more.