10 Plot Holes From WWE History You Probably Missed

8. Shield vs. The Undertaker

WWE.comWWE.comIf you think of The Undertaker's career in the past few years, it's easy to only think about The Streak, especially now that it's been broken. Starting at WrestleMania 27, The Demon of Death Valley essentially showed up for WrestleMania season, performed at The Show of Show's and then was then not seen for another nine months. But after last year's 'Mania Undertaker stuck around to wrestle not one, but two TV matches. The first was a six-man tag team bout with Team Hell No against The Shield, and the second, a day later on SmackDown, was a singles contest against Dean Ambrose. Following his run in with Ambrose, who was at this time the group's unofficial leader, Undertaker was beaten down by The Hounds of Justice, Triple Powerbombed through an announce table and was off TV until he challenged Brock Lesnar 10 months later in February of this year. During The Deadman's absence from WWE programming the announcers often put The Shield over by trumpeting that 'The Undertaker hasn't been seen since they attacked him,' but no such thing was mentioned after his program with Lesnar began. And now that Undertaker's legendary WrestleMania streak has come to an end, it's even more likely that The Shield's dismantling of him will be swept under a rug and forgotten amidst the polarizing vortex of opinion surrounding his big loss.
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Journalism graduate from the University of Technology, Sydney. As a child, when I wasn't doing typical Australian things like fending off dingoes while riding in the pouches of kangaroos, I was watching wrestling.