10 Plot Holes From WWE History You Probably Missed

4. Anonymous Raw GM

WWE.comWWE.comIn June of 2010 it was announced that Raw's General Manager would be anonymous, dishing out orders and resolutions through Michael Cole, who would read the GM's emails aloud to the crowd. It's the type of angle that could potentially have a tremendous payoff. The GM could've been a heel wrestler quietly plotting against one or several babyfaces, or it could've been revealed to be a returning star. But it would eventually become clear that the WWE had no direction for the angle whatsoever, and in October of 2011 the Anonymous GM would lose power without ever being revealed. Of course, in 2012 Hornswoggle would be identified as the General Manager, but in no way does this cover up a plot hole. If anything, it was a nod and a wink at the ridiculous fact that nothing was ever made of the Anonymous GM angle. Of all story holes in WWE history, this stands as one of the most blatant. But it needs to be said that just because officials acknowledged the hole by haphazardly patching it up after the fact does not absolve them of their initial and undeniable narrative transgression.
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Journalism graduate from the University of Technology, Sydney. As a child, when I wasn't doing typical Australian things like fending off dingoes while riding in the pouches of kangaroos, I was watching wrestling.