10 Plot Holes From WWE History You Probably Missed

3. Brock Lesnar's Coming And Going

WWE.comWWE.comBasicall,y every time Brock Lesnar leaves the WWE it makes no sense. Those of us who read the dirtsheets are aware that Brock competes in a very limited amount of matches each year, but for the casual fan his constant coming and going is a constant eyebrow raiser. Most recently, The Beast Incarnate returned to WWE programming in late December and soon-thereafter Paul Heyman claimed he was on the hunt for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Instead of getting a shot at the straps at WrestleMania XXX, Lesnar was challenged by The Undertaker, who he astonishingly defeated. After a post-'Mania promo, the former UFC Champion hasn't been seen. It makes little sense for a title contender to demand a shot at the gold, get denied, prove why he's a worthy No. 1 contender and then abruptly stop chasing the championship. Similarly, Lesnar 'quit' the WWE in 2012 after he defeated Triple H at SummerSlam, saying he'd accomplished everything there is to do and didn't have any competition. That's also shoddy storytelling, because he was defeated by John Cena at Extreme Rules and never took it upon himself to get even with the Leader of the Cenation.
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Journalism graduate from the University of Technology, Sydney. As a child, when I wasn't doing typical Australian things like fending off dingoes while riding in the pouches of kangaroos, I was watching wrestling.