10 Popular Wrestling Debates That Need To Die

8. “LOL TNA”

Adam Cole Muscles

Impact Wrestling is a respected operation today, and that's a good thing. It's never going to threaten the big leagues like WWE and AEW, but most critics out there laud it as another place for men and women to earn a living from the business they love. It's hard to view that as a negative.

"LOL TNA" though, right?

The promotion doesn't get anywhere near the level of credit it deserves to helping to reshape how pro wrestling looks today. Ask countless fans (even those who watched at the time) and they'll scoff as they talk about the terrible decisions made by Jeff Jarrett, Dixie Carter and pals.

Erm...how about the thrilling X Division, the rise of workers like AJ Styles and Samoa Joe, or the daring six-sided ring idea? TNA might not have been flawless, to say the least, but it deserves a lot more respect on its name for 20+ years of memories - and for attempting to break from the norm.

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Adam Cole
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.