10 Popular Wrestling Debates That Need To Die

7. Was The ‘Montreal Screwjob’ A Work?

Adam Cole Muscles

Did Vince McMahon collude with Bret Hart to work one of the most controversial moments in wrestling history, then snipe at the enemy from within over in WCW? Nah, that's ridiculous. Whilst it is interesting to think that Montreal was some grand plan, viewing it as a conspiracy leaves some gaping plot holes.

Bret has been legit p*ssed about this since 1997, and he might never fully get over it. Also, how would gifting one of your top stars to the competition be viewed as a good thing in '97? Vinnie Mac was actively trying to fight Nitro's rise, so handing them guaranteed ratings boosts and top-drawer workers would've been thick.

Nah, people need to get over this one.

Is it fun to pick the 'Screwjob' apart? Sure it is, but the situation came about because Hart took himself too seriously, Shawn Michaels was an almighty d*ck back in the day, Vince was/is a cold businessman and that's pretty much that.

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Adam Cole
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.