10 Popular Wrestling Debates That Need To Die

6. Which Was The Best WrestleMania

Adam Cole Muscles

If this fan had to pick just one WrestleMania show to watch, he'd plump for 'Mania VI. That 1990 show takes him back to a fuzzy/warm time and place - it's nostalgia overload, and the McMahon-led intro alone is childhood goodness in a nutshell. Then, there's the "Ultimate Challenge" between Warrior and Hulk Hogan.

Is it the best 'Mania supercard ever though? Is it b*llocks.

Therein lies the problem with picking "the best WrestleMania". That's a wholly subjective topic, and nobody is qualified to tell you why you should prefer one of WWE's annual marvels over another. That's a personal thing, and it's why there will never be a concrete answer to the question, "Which 'Mania is the best one?".

WrestleMania X-Seven is roundly celebrated as a winner, and the same could be said for XX. However, 13 had some lulls, but the amazing Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin bout elevates it. Similarly, X was shaky but had Bret vs. Owen and that ladder bout between HBK and Razor Ramon.

See? Subjective.

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Adam Cole
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.