10 Popular WWE Babyfaces Who Went To Another Level As Heels
4. Edge

WWE had high hopes for Edge when they crowned him 'King Of The Ring' in 2001 (which feels like a lifetime ago) and tentatively pushed him nearer main events as a singles the next year. Something felt off though - it was clear that he was missing something intangible that'd take him to the top.
He needed to become 'Rated-R'.
Well, sort of. Edge certainly needed to turn heel and explore something more than the tired 'good guy who smiles a lot and does that slides in on his belly entrance'. Back in '02, Edge still came across as a tag-team act who was dabbling in some solo work. That changed when he earned scorching heat for stealing Lita from Matt Hardy in 2005, and he never looked back.
Post-Hardy feud, Edge was a made man. He quickly shot right up the card, won the WWE Title from John Cena after cashing in MITB by January '06 and became a super-bastard heel that everyone loathed. His facial expressions were top notch, and his looming alliance with fellow-annoyance Vickie Guerrero was another stroke of genius.