10 Potential Opponents For A Goldberg Return At WrestleMania 32

8. Braun Strowman

Another current superstar on WWE's main roster but, unlike Ryback, one who the company seem fairly invested in for the time being. The double-chokeslam that Strowman took at Survivor Series was the first (and only) time he's been really dominated by anyone, and he still no-sells his way through squash match after squash match on Raw and SmackDown. Should WWE line up Bray Wyatt's newest recruit to face a returning Goldberg, they'd likely bill the match as an old-school, Hogan-era encounter: the muscular, superhero babyface vs. the gargantuan, immovable heel. Of course, there's a huge drawback to this match - one that centres around quality. In the nicest possible terms, Strowman isn't exactly the Undertaker when it comes to talented big men and Goldberg isn't a Ric Flair-esque ring general. However, if Strowman can learn to sell a spear, and be lifted up for the Jackhammer and they kept it simple then it probably wouldn't turn out too badly.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.