10 Promising Wrestling Feuds That Ended Too Soon

3. Triple H Vs. Randy Orton

shawn michaels jeff hardy

It was inevitable, after Orton became the youngest ever world champion with victory over Chris Benoit at SummerSlam 2004, that he would incur the prickly wrath of Evolution's de facto leader - but few expected Triple H to dispense with his former protégé so quickly.

Their feud got off to a rocky start when Evolution kicked Orton to the kerb - it would have made more sense for him to defy his masters at the first opportunity - but it still had legs and the Legend Killer was slowly beginning to earn the approval of the audience after being a slimey heel for so long. Why, then, did WWE effectively bin their singles feud after Unforgiven?

Ironically, the two would eventually pick up their unfinished business a few years later, and it seemed to go on forever despite little fan enthusiasm. Wrestling is weird sometimes.
