10 Proposed WrestleMania Matches (Which Didn't Happen)

1. Triple H vs. Mike Tyson (Wrestlemania X-Seven)

By far the most unique prospect on this list, the thought of Triple H facing none other than Mike Tyson in a boxing match at Wrestlemania X-Seven boggles the brain. The Game would face The Undertaker at the big event, in a bout he has remarked is one of his favourite matches ever, but just imagine how different the feel of the show could have been with Tyson involved. It wouldn't be the first time WWE have promoted a boxing encounter at 'Mania - Roddy Piper faced Mr. T at the second Wrestlemania in such a contest - but it sure would have been the biggest. Tyson had previously been involved in wrestling just three years before 2001, infamously laying out Shawn Michaels with a punch at Wrestlemania XIV, before celebrating with the new WWF Champion, Steve Austin. Plans were likely put in place following the success of that event to have Tyson back at a future Wrestlemania, but nobody would have suspected it'd be in an actual match. The bout would have cost a lot of money, which is one reason why it didn't go ahead, but it would have also been one of the more intriguing matches to take place at Wrestlemania. Would you have enjoyed seeing the matches listed here take place? What other proposed Wrestlemania matches which didn't happen can you think of? Let us know down in the comments section below!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.