10 Questions Every True WWE Fan Has Asked Themselves

8. So...That Whole Steroids Thing. That Still Exists, Right?

Yeah, Vince McMahon will swear up and down that none of his employees are juicing, just as he swore back in the early 90s that none of his employees were juicing. That's what the head of a multi-million dollar company who makes said millions based on the outrageous physiques of his employees has to say. Today, WWE has a loosely enforced anti-drug policy known as a Wellness Program. I say "loosely enforced" because there are loopholes for wrestlers to use steroids and other performance enhancing drugs as long as they have a prescription from a real doctor. We know that Randy Orton was caught using steroids in 2012. Is it really possible that no one has violated the Wellness Policy since then? Come on. Just look at Big E Langston. His chest currently takes up more physical space than the extended McMahon family. And The Rock seems primed to be the first actor to take over the role of The Incredible Hulk without needing to use any CGI. Surely there's still a little bit of "don't ask, don't tell" going on with steroids in the locker room today.
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.