10 Questions Every True WWE Fan Has Asked Themselves

7. Why Doesn't Wrestling Have An Offseason Like Literally Every Other Sport/TV Show?

Don't get me wrong, it's great that wrestling is year-round. It's nice to have that level of comfort in knowing that, just like evergreen trees and railroads, the WWE never takes time off. But what about the mental and physical well-being of all the WWE's employees? Surely people who put their bodies through such pain and trauma night after night deserve a little extended R&R. And they shouldn't have to figure out a storyline that allows them a couple months away from the ring in order to do it. Every major sport has an off-season. Basketball, baseball, rugby, football (both kinds), lacrosse, and literally every other sport that people pay attention to gives their athletes a few months to get their bodies and minds right before heading back into training. Same goes for most television shows, if you want to focus more on "entertainment" comparisons. What makes sports entertainment feel the need to stay in the spotlight 365 days a year? Besides, it wouldn't be such a terrible thing to have a little bit of off-time for the fans as well. It would give us time to miss it just a little bit. It's like they say: Distance makes the heart grow fonder of seeing punk asses get driven through tables.
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.