10 Questions Every True WWE Fan Has Asked Themselves

6. Who Decided To Start Hiding So Many Weapons Underneath The Ring?

Oh, the hidden treasures that must be lurking underneath that mat! Why, it seems like a never-ending clown car of goodies! Every time a wrestler lifts up the ring apron, it's like they're opening the door to Narnia. Tables, chairs, ladders, ball-peen hammers, fire extinguishers...there are more weapons under a WWE ring than in Ted Nugent's tool shed. Is it literally just stuffed to the brim with various makeshift weapons? That can't possibly meet OSHA regulations. Sure, we all know they keep that stuff there because it's a convenient hiding spot for the weapons wrestlers aren't "supposed" to use during a match. But who was the first guy to say, "Ya know what? We have all this extra space five feet below where these guys are knocking the crap out of each other. Whaddya say we toss some extra sledgehammers under there just in case a guy decides he wants to get himself disqualified?"
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.