10 Questions Every True WWE Fan Has Asked Themselves

5. How Do We Stop The Random Celebrity Cameos?

There was a time when this worked. Gathering a bunch of B-listers to show up in the week leading up to a big Pay-Per-View was a surefire way to boost ratings and get a bunch of non-WWE fans to buy in. The 80s utilized Cyndi Lauper and Mr. T to get some needed cross pollination from the entertainment industry. In the 90s they brought in Mike Tyson to help legitimize it as an alternative to "real" sports. But when the year is 2012 and you're still bringing in the actors from The Three Stooges remake, in full costume to promote their horrible little movie, something must be done. Donald Trump doesn't belong on WWE television. Neither does Jeremy Piven. Or the guy who plays Arrow on CW's Arrow. Or Grumpy Cat. Even Jon Stewart, a legitimate international treasure, has no place in front of WWE cameras, unless he's just there as a gleeful spectator. Which would be awesome. But otherwise, let's keep the celebrities out of the ring. Except Pete Rose. He can come around whenever he wants.
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.