10 Questions For Molly Holly

The Academy

Molly Holly

2. What are some of the things you want to help hopefuls learn?

That’s a great question. Well, I mean, there’s certainly things I’d like to be able to help people learn outside of the business, and just in life in general (laughs), but I want them to be safe. I want them to learn, and to succeed and I want them to be able to leave the business not broke and not paralyzed.

1. What’s going to help The Academy stand out from other schools?

MH: Shawn (Daivari) and Ken (Anderson) have a lot of experience in the business. They’ve had a lot of success, and their style of training is different. A lot of things that they’re going to be doing will be towards taking great care in protecting the students, making sure that they’re safe while getting an education in the business.

They’re going to be using mouth guards and headgear while they’re learning to take bumps and learn moves. They're going to be working on developing characters, and the students will have the chance to learn from some really talented people. It's a positive environment, and we're going to be heavily involved in helping the students chase their dreams.

To learn move about Molly's, Shawn's and Mr. Anderson's upcoming school, visit their website or their Facebook page. They're running a one-time special for their first class. Instead of the usual $3,000 fee, it's only $1,000 for the entire year, but the deal ends on 2 Nov. when the first class starts.

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Molly Holly
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