10 Questions WWE Doesn't Want You To Ask After Raw (Nov 16th)

7. What's The Deal With Dean Ambrose?

Following his fantastic match with Dolph Ziggler, Dean Ambrose grabbed the microphone and delivered a short but sweet promo about how him winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship is going to turn the entire company into the Ambrose Asylum. It wasn't a particularly memorable segment and didn't really set the stage for anything more than the sight of Ambrose standing triumphant in the ring would have, and so that begs the question of why exactly it even took place. Could it be that the Lunatic Fringe delivering this promo was a way for the WWE to try and throw fans off the scent of an impending heel turn? With him making his intentions clear to do away with the suits and bring some chaos into the Authority-controlled WWE, creative may just think that those lines will help make him turning on Reigns and joining The Authority at Survivor Series - which is the most prevalent fan theory right now - at least a little bit less predictable. Throw in Reigns making it clear that he'll take down Ambrose if he has to, as well as the fact that Triple H told Cesaro that he's approached everyone in the tournament about making a deal with the devil, and the stage is definitely set for an Ambrose heel turn on Sunday, hence why this promo may have been used with the intention of making that moment a little more unexpected.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.