10 Questions WWE Doesn't Want You To Ask After Raw (Nov 16th)

6. Are We Seriously Supposed To Cheer For Ryback?

It's no secret that the so-called Big Guy is a failed experiment, but what the hell was going on with the heel/face allegiances in the match between The New Day and The Usos/Ryback? Frustrated by being unable to get into the match, the babyface Ryback burst into the ring, shoved the referee, and attacked the opposing team in an outburst that brought what was shaping up to be a fun match to an abrupt end. That was a complete heel move, and while we were no doubt supposed to get some satisfaction from seeing Ryback cleaning house and teaching The New Day a lesson, that's tough to do after he throws a tantrum and gets the match thrown out by pretty much assaulting the official. This was a lazy and disappointing way to bring things to an end, and a disservice to The New Day, especially as they had been dominating the match up until that point. I mean, it's not like Ryback is doing anything so important on the card that he needs to look strong. He's a spare part at present. What the end goal is with this one is unclear, especially as The New Day are going into Survivor Series without any opponents, but why WWE creative thinks this was a good way to get fans behind Ryback is hard to say and one of the most confusing questions to come out of this episode of Raw.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.