10 Radical Ideas To Save WWE's World Title

7. Have Sheamus Drop The Title To Someone Unexpected, Part 2

At Survivor Series this year, WWE continued their trend of having the Undertaker neuter Bray Wyatt. After all his occult supervillain posturing, he took part in a basic tag team match, losing when his right-hand-man Luke Harper was pinned: he wasn€™t even involved in the decision. Worse, he didn€™t have the brains to choose his personal spoiler Braun Strowman as his partner instead. Frankly, The Wyatt Family aren€™t going to retain this aura that WWE are trying to build for them if they keep choking at the big matches. Taking out the Dudleyz as they did on RAW last night doesn€™t get them back their heat, it just makes them appear petulant: another characteristic you don€™t want attached to the Bray Wyatt monster. Wyatt€™s never seemed remotely interested in contesting for gold, or even in wins and losses in the traditional sense, with the exception of entering the Money In The Bank match for the vacant WWE World Heavyweight Championship in mid-2014. He€™s always concentrated on his mysterious endgame, and his malevolent feuds with WWE babyfaces over their souls or whatever. Well, that approach has made him look like a schmuck. Why not try something new? After all, why does a demon-possessed cult leader with a small army of giant backwoods psychopaths compete as a professional wrestler in the first place? All Bray Wyatt needs is to swing being given a match against Sheamus for the title in a way that makes logical sense: he can win the damn thing easily, given the kind of help he€™s got waiting in the wings. It doesn€™t even need to be on a pay-per-view, or whatever they€™re calling them these days: a title change out of nowhere on RAW gets headlines, and having the title nesting in the middle of a gang of supernatural monsters gets it away from these hackneyed Authority storylines, which can only be a good thing. The narrative then becomes Roman Reigns rescuing the WWE World Heavyweight Championship from corruption at the hands of pure evil. If you€™re going to make him a white knight, at least give him a dragon to slay and a damsel in distress.
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Roman Reigns
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.