10 Radical Ideas To Save WWE's World Title

6. Have Sheamus Drop The Title To Someone Unexpected, Part 3

Provided he gets clearance to come back, it should obviously be Daniel Bryan (clap, clap, clapclapclap) who faces and defeats Sheamus for the title. He€™s got unfinished business with the big guy and with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, after all. It makes perfect narrative sense€ just as it makes perfect narrative sense for him to then lose the title cleanly in the ring, in a non-screwjob, non-stripping of the championship sense. That was always going to be the end to that story, after all: no champion keeps the title forever. Who should he drop the title to? Well, the Cena feud established Kevin Owens at Daniel Bryan€™s level. With Owens the prizefighter, and Bryan the plucky underdog determined to overachieve, the title becomes the focus, not the personalities involved. There€™s no Authority, no Yes! Movement: just two evenly matched, intense competitors, fighting it out for the biggest prize in all of professional wrestling. Have Bryan€™s rematch scotched by interference from Brock Lesnar to set up that dream match at Wrestlemania. Have Roman Reigns step back into contention to challenge Owens for the title then. An Owens/Reigns feud is money: the two had a brief moment in the ring together on the RAW after Hell In A Cell a month ago, and when they had thart initial staredown the crowd went absolutely bananas. More than that, they€™re perfectly matched, physically and psychologically, each man with equal contempt for the other€™s mindset and attitude. The storylines write themselves, and everyone€™s a winner.
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Roman Reigns
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.