10 Radical Ideas To Save WWE's World Title

3. Have It Traded Back And Forth In A Grim, Evenly Matched Feud

There€™s nothing that quite grips the attention like two men who are so evenly matched that either one of them could win the title in any given title match together. We€™re so used to WWE World Heavyweight Championship matches being these huge deals behind the scenes, with reports of agonising over the right way to go and huge plans for the future€ but a scenario where, over a period of months, the same two men trade the belt back and forth, can be worth its weight in gold. It can run and run, booked correctly. Have the competitors be bitter enemies or the best of friends, or some odd mixture of the two. Turn one of the men half way through, or both if you can get away with it. Insert other challengers to act as spoilers, add stipulations and gimmicks to the matches€ or just keep it clean, two men and a ring, best of seven, passing the belt from man to man until the final match determines the end of the feud and the overall winner. However you do it, the important thing is that the WWE World Heavyweight Championship remains the focus of the rivalry. These guys will sell their souls and break their bodies to win it back again: they€™re blinkered, obsessed, careless of everyone else on the card, eyes glued to the prize.
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Roman Reigns
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.