10 Radical WWE Ideas To Save The Wyatt Family

8. Stop All The Meaningless Feuding

So far, Wyatt has specifically targeted everyone he's been in a feud with. The trouble is, he hasn't always had a legitimate reason to do so - there certainly hasn't been a beef involved. Wyatt€™s motivations are always confusing and weird€ but that€™s not good enough. He€™s not a real person, who can afford to be contradictory and directionless. He€™s a character in a storyline. He needs to have focus. The next few feuds he takes part in are critical for him. The Wyatt Family needs to feud with someone for a reason. He nearly had one with Roman Reigns, with the 'anyone but you' gimmick. That made sense: it was kind of personal, almost a vendetta, in a weird, typically Bray way. Wyatt€™s feud with John Cena was a perfect example of how to do this. It was a bit of a photocopy of Kane€™s feud with him in 2011/2012, with the monster obsessed with twisting the noble hero and recreating him in his image, but it fitted Wyatt far better than it did Kane. The problem was that it was too soon, and too one-sided - Cena easily quashed the Wyatts in nearly every major outing he had with them. Had it taken place two years into the Family€™s run on the main roster, been teased and built up, and had Cena allowed the Wyatts to present more of a threat than they did, it could have been a career defining moment. But that€™s the problem: too many of Wyatt€™s feuds are meaningless. No one had any idea why he was fighting Chris Jericho, least of all Jericho. It€™s the story of his life, and it needs to change. Why are the Family and Lesnar at each other€™s throats right now? If, as suspected, WWE are gearing up to Bray Wyatt versus Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 32, what€™s Bray€™s role in this? Why is he doing it? Does he want to recruit Lesnar, or destroy him? If it's the latter, then why? Again, we need to understand what he€™s doing in order to get behind it.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.