5. Brock Lesnar Vs. Spike Dudley
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmLMDakAmM8 Lesnar, blonde goatee and all, had the easy task of dismantling little Spike Dudley just one week before making his debut on Raw. Spike, who was outweighed in every single WWE match that he ever wrestled, knew how to get Lesnar over strong. He was no stranger to facing giants and had many memorable matches with the likes of Mike Awesome and Bam Bam Bigelow in ECW. This match is a great show by Spike, who bounces around at will for the mammoth Lesnar. What's interesting here is that Lesnar and Spike run through a couple of spots that Lesnar would use against Spike on his television debut, such as the pop-up powerbomb and handshake clothesline. Spike does get some offense in, including a nasty double foot stomp from the top rope but the result is never in doubt. Lesnar pins Spike with the F5, one of the first times that Lesnar had used the move in a dark match. Lesnar thankfully shaved the goatee off at some point in the next week. It really didn't do him any favours.
Lewis Howse
Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...
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