10 Rare Wrestling Contract Clauses You Never Knew

4. Bruce Prichard’s Podcast

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The journey Bruce Prichard has been on in the last 5 years is remarkable.

Down on his luck after being let go from the WWE in 2008 after 20 years of loyal service, he was convinced to give podcasting a shot by his friend Conrad Thompson after they were acquainted through Ric Flair. His ‘Something to Wrestle’ podcast soon became the most popular in the genre, with Bruce’s hilarious storytelling being on full display and entertaining listeners with years of untold backstage tales from his time in WWE and directly working under Vince McMahon.

WWE started paying attention in 2019, first bringing him in as a creative consultant. They were impressed so they brought him back full-time on creative where he was quickly promoted to Executive Director of both Raw and SmackDown.

When Bruce was brought back he was determined to keep his podcast going even though he was excessively busy with WWE creative. In his contract, he made sure under all circumstances he could continue recording and airing his podcast once a week. WWE allowed this under the condition he never talked about anything current in the company.

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Rex Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.