10 Real Life Stories From The Final WCW Nitro

2. DDP Knew He Had Been Hired By The WWF

It must have been difficult for Diamond Dallas Page to sit and watch his fellow WCW employees suffer during the last ever Nitro broadcast, especially because he pretty much knew he had a job waiting for him in the WWF once everything had blown over. Page didn't want to tell anybody the news that he'd been in talks with the McMahon family, likely because it would have only led to resentment from people he considered friends, but also because the rug could have been pulled from underneath him at any moment. As the promotion tumbled around him, DDP was in the incredibly unique position of knowing he was about to be pulled from the fire. Had he known how his WWF run would later turn out, it's possible that Page wouldn't have been quite so content! Only contributing a pre-taped promo to Nitro, the yoga guru was still upset that the people who had done nothing wrong, WCW's backstage staff, were the ones most affected.
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WCW Ric Flair
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