10 Real Life Stories From The Final WCW Nitro

9. WWF Employees Present Thought WCW Were Going To Attack Them

It's insane to think, but WCW's production crew didn't know that there were going to be any WWF representatives at Nitro until a few short hours before the show. The immediate future was clear, get through this episode of Monday Nitro, and WCW would take it from there - even though staff were informed that this was the final broadcast, that didn't necessarily mean that the company was finished. Instead of being handed fair warning, the chief WCW officials were told that WWF employees were on their way, and a space backstage at Nitro had to be set up for them. What resulted was a mad dash to make the area comfortable, but there was still a two-hour professional wrestling show to run, one that was bound to be an emotional night. Astonishingly, the WWF reps incoming were under the impression that they'd be met with severe hostility from their WCW counterparts, and there were even worries that they'd be physically attacked by an angry mob upon arriving at the arena. On the contrary, they were treated respectfully, which is a real credit to the WCW crew, who must have felt extremely threatened and confused by the WWF presence.
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WCW Ric Flair
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.