10 Reasons Why Adrian Neville Vs Sami Zayn Is WWE's Story Of The Year

5. They're Going To Tear The House Down

All of the talk, the challenges and the matches before this one have been leading to the main event of R Evolution. This is arguably the biggest night in the careers of both men. You can bet they're going to do everything they can to steal the show. Everyone knows they're capable of a classic and the pressure is on. The way the feud has been going so far, the smart money is on them delivering on the night. The two have such a great chemistry with each other and make the most complicated and skilful sequences and moves look as simple as a side headlock. We've seen a lot of incredible things from the two men during their NXT careers but the scary thing is, it's hardly scratched the surface of what they're capable of. When it comes to Neville vs Zayn at R Evolution, expect the unexpected. Both men have plenty of tricks still left up their sleeve, tricks they've been saving for an occasion like this one.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...