10 Reasons Why Adrian Neville Vs Sami Zayn Is WWE's Story Of The Year

4. A Change In Direction For WWE?

Neville versus Zayn means an awful lot to the NXT Universe, but could it also signal a change in direction for WWE? It's hard to compare NXT with WWE because what works on the small stage of NXT might not necessarily work on the big stage in WWE (just ask Adam Rose). The live NXT crowd may be small but they're also very passionate and dedicate to the product, something that you're average WWE audience might not be. Sometimes the NXT fans' passion can be misread by WWE and they can start to think that something is the greatest thing in the world when, in reality, it only works for that small, hardcore audience. Perception is reality in wrestling. But could the success of the Zayn/Neville storyline persuade WWE to adopt a similar approach to the storylines of the main roster members? The feud has been built on competition and a will to be the best, not on authority figures and weekly beat-downs. If WWE did present a top-level feud in the same manner as Zayn/Neville it would feel like a breath of fresh air in the current climate.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...