10 Reasons Batista Is So Unhappy With WWE

1. Money

The biggest reason Batista is annoyed is probably down to money. At the end of the day, if you are making riches, you don't really care what's going on. It looks as if Batista is upset because he hasn't made as much money as he thought he would. Dave Meltzer stated that it isn't just Batsita having this gripe, the entire WWE locker room is upset with how much money they are making right now. Could that have something to do with the Network and change in PPV bonuses? Perhaps, although we can't confirm that. All we know for sure is what Meltzer said, the pay is lower than what Batista expected. Not being the main event draw for Mania 30 certainly didn't help Batista's wallet, Daniel Bryan was without doubt the draw for that match. The lack of his babyface push also hurt his ability to make money in merchandise and appearance spots. You have to remember that Batista is a businessman, he knows his brand value, so of course he is going to be upset with WWE if he feels they hurt his money making worth. With a film career about to be ignited (Batista hopes anyway), he is currently in a position to walk away from WWE. If Hollywood takes off for him he can easily make more money than he ever could in WWE right now. This is one unhappy talent who seems set to take the high road out of wrestling, perhaps the world of film will prove a much happier place for the rest of 2014.
WWE Writer

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