10 Reasons CM Punk Was Right To Leave WWE

1. He Wasn't Happy Working There

"There was something that Punk said in the podcast that was very true. It was a simple message where he told people listening to be happy in life. Find something you want to do, find something that gives you joy and do it." In Punk's mind, he didn't quit. He's an "independent contractor" in WWE, so he felt he could walk away if he wanted to and that's what he did. Despite that label, he still had a contract that expired in July so it's one of those tricky situations where he is an employee in WWE's minds although legally he's just an "independent contractor" as they like to put it. When Punk first signed with WWE nearly a decade ago, it was his goal to reach the top of the biggest wrestling company in the world. Despite not main eventing a WrestleMania, he made it as a top guy and he was one of the most famous wrestlers in the world. He shouldn't have any regrets about what he did. Hearing him explain it made a lot of sense. As WWE fans, we wish the situation never happened. It's a shame that they couldn't work things out or come to sort of agreement. Punk should still be wrestling in WWE, but according to him he'll never go back there. It was good to hear from Punk and get his perspective on things. Most importantly, you could tell he's happy in his life with his wife AJ Lee, writing comic books for Marvel and living a stress free life. We should all want that for each other, so it's nice to know he has found that happy place in his life. There will be another Cabana podcast with Punk as the guest next week, so expect some more fireworks once again.
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CM Punk
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.