10 Reasons CM Punk Was Right To Leave WWE

10. Vince McMahon Became Hard To Trust

There was a phrase that Punk repeated a few times that he claims was said by Vince McMahon: "I owe you one." By that he means he'll owe him a favor. It's a common expression. That's apparently what Vince said to him when he would ask Punk to do something that Punk didn't want to do. It was something that Vince probably said as a way to get Punk to agree to a match or a storyline without ever really paying him back. An example was from the fall season of 2013 when Punk was asked to work with Ryback again. Punk told Vince he didn't want to feud with him again (they feuded one year earlier) and Vince replied by telling Punk that he would owe him one. When a guy says something to another guy about owing them a favor, it's respectful to believe the person. Punk could have really said no or to fight it, but as he said throughout he knew not to pick certain battles. He went along with it because he figured it would help the company and that at some point they would give him a break by giving him time off or something like that. Punk seemed to have a good relationship with Vince, but once those kinds of communication issues popped up it must have been difficult to keep it going.
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CM Punk
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.