1. Now Or Never For A WrestleMania Build
When it comes to Daniel Bryan, his true value is in a WrestleMania 32 match. The card absolutely needs stars, so he'd be a more than welcome addition. Maybe he could wrestle Kevin Owens, or even a heel Chris Jericho. But if it is going to happen, the feud needs to be getting built right now. Mania is less than two months away, and the main bouts are already being foreshadowed. It really is a case of "now or never" for Bryan, otherwise company plans are going to move on without him. So if he is to make a comeback, if there is a WrestleMania plan for him, the time WWE would execute it could be this Monday in Seattle. That's the money angle, the hometown hero finally returning, then a heel like Kevin Owens cutting him off and attempting to re-injure him. So stay tuned through Raw this monday, the chances of Daniel Bryan appearing are higher than they've been in a while!