10 Reasons Roman Reigns Is Outdrawing John Cena At WWE Shows

2. The Power Of The Shield And The Feud With Wyatt

The mini-revival of The Shield this summer has played a part in Reigns ability to draw. The union with Dean Ambrose means that two thirds of The Shield are together, and Reigns is even doing the same music and entrance. Fans like it, The Shield were one of the hottest factions of this century and putting Reigns back in that context has worked for him. All the fans rush over and can't wait to fist bump him when he comes on down through the crowd. Ambrose isn't appearing on the Reigns tour, but his television work has helped to elevate Reigns. That then pays off at the live events. Added to that, is the Reigns / Wyatt narrative that has been playing out. It is two young guys, in a dynamic feud. As a headlining tour match, fans know that Roman Reigns versus Bray Wyatt is going to be value for money.
WWE Writer

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