10 Reasons Roman Reigns Is Outdrawing John Cena At WWE Shows

3. Love Him Or Hate Him, Reigns Has Appeal

There was a situation recently, in which a fan bought a WWE ticket, with the sole intention of attacking Roman Reigns. This fan went ahead and posted his intentions on social media, then went along and did exactly what he said he was going to do. He threw a briefcase in the ring, landing squarely on Roman Reigns. It was a deplorable incident, but it tells us something about Roman Reigns. Fans, whether they love him or hate him, are wanting to see him. It might be to cheer, it might be to boo, but fans are reacting to Reigns. If it sounds familiar, that's exactly how John Cena became such a strong draw. Fans will pay to see someone, just so they can react to them.
WWE Writer

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