1. Sticking It To Marks... While Taking Their Money
You just know the old devil in Vince has to be loving the fact that the smart fans and IWC are all up in arms about Roman Reigns, yet still handing their money over in ever increasing quantities for shows like WrestleMania. Vince has no regard whatsoever for so called smart fans, and only started getting a bit closer to the internet when he realised money was to be made. In Reigns, he has an hilarious opportunity to troll the vocal minority who constantly criticise him and his choice of franchise star. A fan sign from Survivor Series springs to mind, "If Roman wins, we complain online." The fact of the matter is, WWE are about to set their record attendance and make their record live gate. WWE Network subscriptions are going up. Whether fans boo or complain about Roman Reigns, Vince McMahon already has their money. He and The Big Dog have already won.