For the fans watching wrestling each and every week, Vince McMahon doesn't really care that much what they think. Those fans are going to watch regardless. They'll love some stuff, they'll hate some stuff, but as proved with John Cena in 2006 and onwards, negative opinion doesn't really matter. Ironically, what does matter to McMahon, what he's really precious about, is the opinion of people outside WWE. You can see that with John Cena, and how the media and mainstream franchises really took to him. It didn't matter that fans were booing him on screen, when off screen he was successfully representing the WWE and projecting a good image of the product to people who didn't watch the shows. That in turn helped WWE become more of a commercial brand in the past decade. Roman Reigns is that same commercial friendly guy who can be sold to big business partners and mainstream media. McMahon loves him because he's presentable, as demonstrated by the increased media spots and other appearances he made in 2015, such as the fathers day ad with his daughter. Reigns looks good as the head of the company. Contrast that with Dean Ambrose, a guy who looks like any other bloke you'll pass on the street. Are WWE's commercial partners or mainstream media going to be as impressed with him as a franchise? Probably not, hence why McMahon tied the boat to the superhero style of Reigns.