10 Reasons Spike TV Will Cancel TNA Impact Wrestling

8. Incompetent Management

Let's look a little deeper at the Russo issue. Operating under the assumption that Spike's disdain for Vince is true, why would you jeopardize the well being of your company and the jobs of the men and women who work for you for one man? Even if Vince had given you a tremendously positive return on investment rather than a negligible one (along with every other TNA booker ever), there's no way to justify angering the TV network who basically has your livelihood in their hands. And just who exactly is TNA management? You've got Dixie Carter, who, while opinions vary on if she's a Southern belle with a heart of gold or an abject moron who's in over her head, had no prior wrestling experience before TNA. And not only is she in charge of the behind the scenes business, but now she's turned herself into an on-air character--yet another rehash of the done-to-death heel authority figure that was played out in 2002--and a horrible one at that. And Dixie will throw money at anyone who has ever worked for WWE. The director of creative writing is Dave Lagana, who has written for WWE and Ring Of Honor, and the Vice President of Talent Relations is John Gaburick, who some of you may remember as the fat Vader-looking dude from Tough Enough. Nevermind the fact that a number of people who were in WWE with Gaburick have come out and said that he had no clue how to do the job he's been given. This is the guy filling the same vitally important role that Jim Ross did for WWE.
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TNA Bully Ray
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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.